Adult Training Programs

Evaluation Program

The Evaluation Program is designed to help the student make an educated decision on training in 8 Martial Arts for Health. Through this program the student will begin to understand how they can develop confidence and discipline, and improve strength, flexibility, endurance and self defense.

Introductory Program

The Introductory Program is designed to help the student make an educated decision on pursuing a degree in 8 Martial Arts for Health. Through this program, the student can begin to develop confidence and discipline, and improve strength, flexibility, endurance and self defense.

1st Degree Black Belt Program
(National Three Level Training System)

The First Degree Black Belt Program is designed for the student who wishes to reach a degree of understanding of their mind and body. This level of training consists of all the movements and instruction necessary to reach 1st Degree Black Belt. Program includes up to 3 National Level Training Seminars per year.

Call the school to set-up an introductory lesson.

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Mind and Body Harmony

8 Martial Arts
for Health
Tai Chi
Kung Fu
Bagwa Chung
Ship Pal Gae
(18 Weapons)
Kom Doe
(Samurai Sword)
Kong Su
(Tae Kwon Do)
(Jiu Jitsu)

Call (201)-986-2800

For more information

8 Martial Arts For Health
306 Kinderkamack Rd.
Oradell, NJ 07649