Adult Programs

Introductory Program -- This program you will get to see and try beginner, intermediate and advanced movements.  Upon completion, you will have a better understanding of the different Martial Arts, what you can accomplish and the type of training available.   

Tai Chi, Qi Gong Breathing and Chung Moo Exercise --  Learn the "moving meditation" forms of Tai Chi and QiGong breathing to increase energy, reduce stress and strengthen your immune and respiratory system.  Develop strength, flexibility and rejuvenation of the body through Chung Moo Exercise.  Tai Chi and Qi Gong is the introductory level of the internal Arts taught in the Oom Yung Doe style
Foundation Arts --  Train in 5 Martial Arts to build a foundation of mental and physical health.  Improve your strength, energy, flexibility, determination, focus and self defense through:  Kong Su (Tae Kwon Do), Ai Ki Do/Hap Ki Do, Kung Fu, Udo (Ju Jitsu) and Tai Chi / QiGong training.
8 Martial Arts Training (Nationally Accredited Degree Program) --   Develop the strength, wisdom and ability to enhance the quality of your life both mentally and physically, through the practice of 8 Martial Arts training and Oom Yung Doe Main Forms.  Improve your mind & body beyond what you think your limitations are.  Any age, sex or fitness level may practice these movements. (Foundation Arts a prerequisite )

Child & Junior Programs

Child & Junior Trial Program
Child & Junior Black Belt Training Program

Oom Yung Doe Training

Taught by
Oom Yung Doe, Inc.
Grand Master "Iron" Kim Style
School of Oom Yung Doe
Arts for
tremendous mental and physical
strength and health
306 Kinderkamack Rd.
Oradell, NJ
School of Oom Yung Doe
Double Sword Symbol

The right hand is a reminder to accept a good or right challenge in life.  The two swords stand
for balance and harmony.